
See Viral hemorrhagic fever.


People who can either influence the publics an organization is trying to reach or who

have direct power to help the organization. (1)


(1) Glossary of communication, University of Jyväskylä


The separation, for the period of communicability, of infected persons (confirmed or

suspected) in such places and under such conditions as to prevent or limit the

transmission of the infectious agent from those infected to those who are susceptible

or who may spread the agent to others.


Structures communication among organizations linking them with their environments.(1)


(1) Glossary of communication, University of Jyväskylä


Ability of a system to use the parts, or equipment, of another system (Webster




Measures that are designed to limit and/or control the spread of infection across entry

points to a country (by road, air, sea, etc). They can include travel advisories or

restrictions, entry or exit screening, reporting, health alert notices, collection and

dissemination of passenger information, etc.


An agreed code of conduct adopted by the World Health Assembly in May 2005 to

protect against the spread of serious risks to public health and, the unnecessary or

excessive use of restrictions in traffic or trade. The IHR 2005 came into force on 15

June 2007.

International Health Regulations


A group of individuals and organizations linked together for the purpose of active

promotion of particular values and objectives. Interest groups are usually associated

with the political process through which they seek support and resources for their

objectives. (1)


(1) Glossary of communication, University of Jyväskylä


Intentional release of a biological organism could mimic a naturally occurring outbreak

and the recognition and response to an undeclared terrorist use of an infectious

disease agent will be much more complicated to detect than an announced biological

release, a chemical release, or terrorist bombing. Health investigators may not

immediately recognize that an infectious disease outbreak is the result of an intentional

release of germs. CDC has long recognized that the following selected illnesses may



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MMLAP and other EU Projects

Health system analysis to support capacity development in response to the threat of pandemic influenza in Asia
Making society an active participant in water adaptation to global change
Public Participation in Developing a Common Framework for Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation
Engaging all of Europe in shaping a desirable and sustainable future
Expect the unexpected and know how to respond
Driving innovation in crisis management for European resilience
Effective communication in outbreak management: development of an evidence-based tool for Europe
Solutions to improve CBRNe resilience
Network for Communicable Disease Control in Southern Europe and Mediterranean Countries
Developing the framework for an epidemic forecast infrastructure
Strengthening of the national surveillance system for communicable diseases
Surveillance of vaccine preventable hepatitis
European monitoring of excess mortality for public health action
European network for highly infectious disease
Dedicated surveillance network for surveillance and control of vaccine preventable diseases in the EU
Modelling the spread of pandemic influenza and strategies for its containment and mitigation
Cost-effectiveness assessment of european influenza human pandemic alert and response strategies
Bridging the gap between science, stakeholders and policy makers
Promotion of immunization for health professionals in Europe
Towards inclusive research programming for sustainable food innovations
Addressing chronic diseases and healthy ageing across the life cycle
Medical ecosystem – personalized event-based surveillance
Studying the many and varied economic, social, legal and ethical aspects of the recent developments on the Internet, and their consequences for the individual and society at large
Get involved in the responsible marine research and innovation
Knowledge-based policy-making on issues involving science, technology and innovation, mainly based upon the practices in Parliamentary Technology Assessment
Assessment of the current pandemic preparedness and response tools, systems and practice at national, EU and global level in priority areas
Analysis of innovative public engagement tools and instruments for dynamic governance in the field of Science in Society
Public Engagement with Research And Research Engagement with Society
Computing Veracity – the Fourth Challenge of Big Data
Providing infrastructure, co-ordination and integration of existing clinical research networks on epidemics and pandemics
Promote vaccinations among migrant population in Europe
Creating mechanisms for effectively tackling the scientific and technology related challenges faced by society
Improve the quality of indoor air, keeping it free from radon
Improving respect of ethics principles and laws in research and innovation, in line with the evolution of technologies and societal concerns
Investigating how cities in the West securitise against global pandemics
Creating a structured dialogue and mutual learning with citizens and urban actors by setting up National Networks in 10 countries across Europe
Identifying how children can be change agents in the Science and Society relationship
Establishing an open dialogue between stakeholders concerning synthetic biology’s potential benefits and risks
Transparent communication in Epidemics: Learning Lessons from experience, delivering effective Messages, providing Evidence