The Bulgarian health mediator model was developed based on the experience of the Dutch Institute of Public Health and on the Romanian model of health mediators, which was presented by the Romani CRISS Foundation and the Romanian Ministry of Health.
A very recent and innovative example of good practice concerning awareness campaigns is the “Italian Chart for the Promotion of Vaccinations”, a recent call for action whose website is: Namely, the Chart is the result of the efforts of the “TeamVaxItaly” movement that had been founded in a civil society meeting in Fano (Italy) in October 2015.
The exploration and adoption of best practices in health by public institutions and non-governmental organizations as well has been growing in recent years. ASSET experts recognize the importance of these activities. Thus, they will gather examples from all around Europe and present them on a dedicated page.
But what exactly are “best practices”, and what are the differences between best and good practices?
One day, eight countries, fifty participants for each of them, open discussions and a series of questions. These are the ingredients of the citizen consultations organized by ASSET on September 24th, to voice people’s opinion on epidemic preparedness and response.
Parents, healthcare workers, bloggers and science communicators have launched a positive experience in Italy, with the aim of sharing and promoting scientific information towards an important public health goal: to face the drop in vaccine coverage.
Using music to convey messages of health education and prevention to the general public. This is the idea behind the participation of ASSET to the Verbier Festival, one of the most prestigious music festival in Europe.
Public engagement that sets citizens and stakeholders as co-designers and collaborators of R&I activities can contribute to more dynamic and responsible governance of research and innovation. Public Engagement for Research, Practice and Policy conference, to be organized on November 16-17 in Brussels, calls for experts, stakeholders, policy-makers, entrepreneurs, researchers, regional authorities and Commission officials to a joint discussion on this theme.
The Verbier Festival, the most famous classical music international event in Switzerland, will host an ASSET event on July 30th 2016, a public workshop dedicated to Science and Music. Moreover, a "Conference&concert" open to the general public will be organized alternating talks about epidemics/infectious diseases and a piano concert by an international artist.
The ASSET consortium will award three European health professionals in the primary health sector (preferably GPs or groups of GPs) with a 3,000€ educational grant each. Participation to the award is restricted to health professionals in the primary health sector (GPs or groups of GPs) who have implemented an activity or intervention to: