WP1 is about building a common approach concerning the societal challenges among the different project
partners and ensuring the overall scientific coordination of the MMLAP.
WP1 main objectives are:
WP1 is about building a common approach concerning the societal challenges among the different project
partners and ensuring the overall scientific coordination of the MMLAP.
WP1 main objectives are:
WP2 is about the state of the art research and existing studies on pandemics, and their wider societal implications, research and innovation in this area, and the operational and regulatory environment. Its main objectives are to establish a baseline knowledge about:
WP3 aims to design the Action Plan and its main components. WP3 objectives are:
WP4 will carry out a public consultation. Its main objectives are:
WP5 aims to carry out MML actions at European, national, and local level. Notably it will:
WP6 will ensure a reflection on EU strategic priorities about pandemics and a regular monitoring other EU related initiatives and policy developments at local, national and European levels, in order to better connect with policy cycles. WP6 will also aim to liaise with Research or Policy EC services involved in Challenges 1 (Health, demographic change and wellbeing).
WP7 aims to:
WP8 aims to carry out an in-depth independent evaluation of the methodology and implementation progress of ASSET and of its potential impacts on citizens and civil society, throughout the duration of the project, in relation to its objectives and expected impacts. WP8 objectives are to provide:
WP9 will set up a strategy for ensuring post-action sustainability and to give future participants, wishing to pursue ASSET, the means to efficiently implement ASSET recommendations. WP9 objectives are:
The Project Management Office aims at properly initiating the management tools, running the appropriate monitoring and control procedures, and assisting all the beneficiaries for optimal performance and reporting up to the end of the project. This includes, but is not limited to: