Gesser-Edelsburg A, Shir-Raz Y, Hayek S, Sassoni-Bar Lev O. Targeting Ebola International Congress 2015: Scientific Bases & Applications, Pasteur Institute, Paris, May 28‐29, 2015.
The greatest challenges that the organizations face is not only to convey knowledge, but also to find ways to convey comprehensive information that reflects uncertainty and empowers the public to make fact‐based decisions about health.
On October 14-17, Milan will host the 8th European Public Health Conference, organized by the European Public Health Conference Foundation, the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SITI).
The beginning of the European Immunization Week, which will be followed in a few days by the World Immunization Week, is a perfect chance to remind the importance of vaccination and immunization programme. Among the several initiatives to keep the attention high on such a topic, one involved even the Lego group. Lego ideas is a website developed by the famous Danish toy company where fans may share ideas and proposals for new Lego set. The website allows everyone to post an idea and to gather support.
The World Immunization Week, which will be held from 24-30 April 2015, will signal a renewed global, regional, and national effort to accelerate action to increase awareness and demand for immunization by communities, and improve vaccination delivery services.
The Health Department of the European Commission will organise a conference for Member States and partners on lessons to be learned from the Ebola epidemic. The event is organised in close collaboration with the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council and will take place in Mondorf-les-Bains from 12 to 14 October 2015. There will be four sessions, each of them focusing on a specific topic:
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has decided to hold a two-days conference in Riga (Latvia) with ministers and high level representatives from the Ministries of Health, Social Affairs and Finance of the European Union, European Economic Area and Eastern Partnership Countries as well as high representatives of the European Commission, members of the European Parliament, representatives of international institu
The recent cases of measles outbreaks in US and Europe reignited the debate on vaccines, the science behind them and the conflict between the right to individual freedom and the state intervention. Amongst the several factors that contribute to the decrease of vaccination coverage – especially in some groups – vaccine hesitancy is one of particular interest, which should require much greater attention from public health and epidemiology, medical sociology, anthropology, and the behavioural, economic and political sciences.
One of the ASSET’s purposes is to develop its approach on different levels, from the global to the local one. This will include both the analysis of specific experiences and the production of new initiatives. According to this aim, the Bulgarian National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (NCIPD) has just released the Local Communication Plan for Bulgaria, which is a complement of the Communication Strategy of the ASSET project.
The ASSET Communication Strategy consists of a general strategy, drafted for the whole Consortium, and Local Communication Plans for different countries. The Local Communication Plan, prepared for Bulgaria, aims to provide a general strategic framework, which can facilitate the further planning of actions, aimed at fulfilling the objectives, set out in the general communication strategy within the specific national context.