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“Public health surveillance is the bedrock of outbreak and epidemic response”. With these words, Marie-Paule Kieny [11] – WHO Assistant Director-General for Health Systems and Innovation – introduces the WHO guidelines on ethical issues in public health surveillance [12], a document targeted to a wide range of stakeholders involved in the constant monitoring of health threats.
Surveillance is not only about infectious diseases but, more generally, it may help to promote human well-being at the population level. Yet surveillance has ignited some controversies, for it may raise important ethical issues [13]. For instance, it can raise concerns about privacy, discrimination and stigmatization, as well as triggering mandatory quarantine, isolation, or seizure of property during an epidemic.
In the past, the World Health Organization has often stressed the importance of ethical principles in pandemic influenza planning and response, and provided a framework of detailed ethical considerations to be addressed, regardless of conventional boundaries. However, a semantic analysis performed by ASSET experts [14] showed little concern for ethical aspects and a lack of discussion on ethical issues in most pandemic plans developed from European countries, with few exceptions.
In 1991, The Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) acknowledged [15] the importance of the principles of research ethics first set out in the Nuremberg Code [16] but recognized that application in the epidemiological context would require flexibility. Neither the 2009 revision of CIOMS guidelines nor the ethical framework [17] provided by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics in the United Kingdom faced the problem of how to distinguish surveillance from research on human subjects. Drawing such a line is not easy, but it is clearly necessary when facing public health crises on a global scale.
In order to fill such a gap in international guidelines and to address the ethics of public health surveillance, WHO entrusted an international group of experts in surveillance, epidemiological research, bioethics, public health ethics and human rights, with the development of ethical guidelines. Following a systematic literature review of relevant research and grey literature in accordance with the WHO Handbook for Guideline Development, the committee identified four ethical principles of particular importance for public health surveillance: common good, equity, respect for persons and good governance.
Starting from such a backbone, they then developed 17 guidelines that, as stated in the document, “seek to highlight trade-offs that must be carefully and routinely weighed. They do not provide concrete definitions, measures, precise surveillance parameters or oversight mechanisms that might, on the surface, appear to make decision-making less complex.”
As stated above, these guidelines are not prescription. Rather, they represent a starting point for a thoughtful discussion about public health surveillance and its ethical implications. As the members of the WHO group conclude, “While these guidelines are a place to start in addressing issues at the intersection of surveillance and big data, the challenges of this swiftly changing environment should be subject to continuing analysis and ethical monitoring. This challenge must be taken up by the global community.”