Michele Bellone, Veronika Dimitrova, Anna Kurchatova, Antoaneta Minkova, Teodora Georgieva, Emilia Naseva, Mira Kojouharova, Debora Serra
This 4th issue of the ASSET paper series - Epidemics and Pandemics: The response of Society, discusses the Social Networks and their application in the area of Public Health (PH) Emergency preparedness and response. Specifically Michel Bellone presents an overview of the current use of social networks, including in the even of emergencies, while the NCIPD team from Bulgaria discusses their findings on the potential use of social networks for the dissemination of PH messages in the Bulgarian population. Finally, Debora Serra from Zadig, Italy, discusses their analysis of the use of social media by one of the 5 largest vaccine manufacturers (Pfizer, Inc) in the framework of their communication strategy.
[1] http://www.asset-scienceinsociety.eu/sites/default/files/paper_series_4_-_the_social_networks_in_public_health_emergency_preparedness_and_response_1.pdf